About Us

About the Catholic Foundation

The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Saint Cloud is a designated 501(c)3 corporation by the Internal Revenue Service. It was established in 2000 to nurture stewardship and philanthropy throughout the diocese. The Catholic Foundation accomplishes this mission in a number of ways.

  • Tending to and distributing annual grants from large endowed funds

  • Educating others about philanthropy opportunities through the foundation, estate planning, and the spirituality of sacrificial giving

  • Responsibly managing funds for parishes, institutions and individual donors

  • Assisting families and individuals who wish to honor loved ones or leave their own legacy through a named fund

  • Serving others as Christ would have us serve

The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Saint Cloud currently manages assets in excess of $19 million. Donors to the foundation can choose among a number of fund options, or create their own fund, to benefit their favorite charities.  In addition, the foundation offers life-income arrangements through various instruments.